Communications Breakdown
Episode 5 – Playing Politics
Among the hardest places to actually be HEARD these days - ironically - are political statehouses. North Carolina's is no different.
In this podcast, we bring on one of the best political reporters the Tar Heel State, WUNC radio's Jeff Tiberii, as co-pilot and turn to an array of political practitioners and powerhouses to figure out the best way to influence policy-makers and have an impact on Jones St. (home to the NC Legislature).
We interview Jane Pinsky (Exec. Dir. at the NC Coalition on Lobbying and Government Reform) about how to sell issues to lawmakers AND Rep. Graig Meyer (a Democrat from Orange and Caswell counties). Meyer is one of the best communicators in the legislature - on social and in person. Both he and Pinsky share critical tips on breaking through the noise at the General Assembly.
We also talk with opposition researcher Matt Duffy, field operations go-to Kathryn Vandegrift and long-time comms veteran Mitch Kokai. Their insights are invaluable when it comes to political campaigning and communicating.
Full interviews with Jane Pinsky and Rep. Graig Meyer
Our Pod's Cast
A huge thanks to our guests, without whom (obviously) we could not have made this podcast.
Jon Camp
Founder, Campsight Strategies
Jeff Tiberii
WUNC Political Reporter
Matt Duffy
CampSight Strategies
Mitch Kokai
John Locke Foundation
Kathryn Vandegrift
Field Organizer
Jane Pinsky
NC Coalition on Lobbying and Gov't Reform
Rep. Graig Meyer
Distict 50 (Dem)
If you're interested in more information about our show or are curious to learn more about the topics on this show, reach out and we'll share!