Communications Breakdown

Communications Breakdown

Episode 2 – What’s Good for Business

August 26, 2019

This week, we turn our focus to successful business communications tactics and strategies.
Again, we're joined by a wonderfully insightful cast: Raleigh business and political stalwart Joe Stewart as well as veteran journalists / communications pros Amy Johnson and Tamara Gibbs. We cover a ton of ground when it comes to how businesses are effectively getting their messages out in today's noisy environment.
We also interview Triangle Business Journal Managing Editor Dane Huffman about the best ways to pitch stories and what "rings their bell" AND hear from Shop Local Raleigh Executive Director Jen Martin about how small businesses are getting their messages out. 

Watch our full interviews with Dane Huffman and Jen Martin:

Our Pod's Cast

A huge thanks to our guests, without whom (obviously) we could not have made this podcast.


Jon Camp
Founder, Campsight Strategies


Joe Stewart
Independent Insurance Agents of NC



Amy Johnson
The Governor's Institute


Tamara Gibbs
Communications Lead, E-Commerce



Dane Huffman
Triangle Business Journal


Jen Martin
Shop Local Raleigh


If you're interested in more information about our show or are curious to learn more about the topics on this show, reach out and we'll share!