Creative Bites
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Project Stress vs. People Stress
Jobs in the creative industry tend to be pretty high stress. They involve complicated work, tight deadlines, and high pressure clients looking for results. As you spend time in the industry, you develop skills to handle the stress, learn tactics to help g
You Aren’t The Only Communicator on Staff
This may seem like a silly realization, but for many years I thought of myself as the communication expert for the organization. I was hired into the communications role, therefore I was supposed to be the final authority on all things communication.The p
The Spiritual Leadership Side of Communications
The communications role is uniquely positioned to see the little areas where those in your ministry lose sight of what they believe. They announce confidently that God is in charge, but they get frustrated when your promotional strategy isn't yieldin
How You Get 'Em is How You Keep 'Em
Beware of how much you are willing to do to get people's attention. While major campaigns aren't always a bad thing, they can create an unsustainable pace. When you stop, people leave - often citing completely different reasons.
When You Are The Target Audience
There are times in ministry where you are the target audience for a product. While its great that companies are building products for ministry, the sales pitch rarely includes all the factors you need to consider when making a decision. Don't let the
Innovate for Purpose
It doesn’t really matter how you feel about technology and innovation. It’s coming regardless of our opinion. But that doesn’t mean we should adopt every change that happens into our ministries. In fact, those that find themselves on the bleeding edge of
Manage Reality
For years I fought last minute projects. I asked for projects to be submitted two weeks early. Then three weeks. At one point I think I tried one month. Nothing was working and I was frustrated. Inadvertently, the only thing I was doing by asking for mo
What is Effective Communication?
Effective communication moves people in a good direction for them, and it does so with integrity.When you evaluate the effectiveness of your work, look closely at if people are moving. If they aren't, why not? Remember that you are not responsible fo
Welcome to Season 3
Join me this season on the Communicate on Purpose Podcast as I share lessons I've learned over the years serving in the communications role in the Church. Now that I've stepped out of a communications role in my career, I feel like I need to clo
How to Deal with Someone Else’s Problem | s2ep10
This week I want to talk about how to handle other people’s problems.As our world has been turned upside-down nearly over night, a lot of people are struggling. In a lot of ways we are experiencing an exaggerated response to change that has happened too..