Commander's Horn: A Podcast About Gwent

Latest Episodes
CH#126 – Doomsday
McBeard and Shinmiri discuss some of the changes that came through in 7.3 as well as the October meta. Video link here: Best of luck on the path!-d.
CH#125 – “Settling Down in 7.2”
Shin and I are back with another one, in a season of more consistent long-form content for Gwent. CH#125 is focusing on the strength and competitive levels of the best decks in the game. We’re also discussing winrate stats, Wild Hunt Online, and more!
CH#124 – “New Old Faces”
Commander’s Horn is back for another block of episodes, and I’ve brought on Shinmiri to be a regular co-host! Today, we are talking about patch 7.2 which featured a MASSIVE overhaul in leader abilities. 14 leaders were either reworked, removed,
CH#123 – “Leadership” w/ Shinmiri and Ceely
I’m back in the studio with Shinmiri and Ceely, talking all about the new leaders and some light theorycrafting on the upcoming Gwent landscape! Please be good to yourselves in these strange days of distance.
CH#122 – “In Sickness and in Health” w/ SirPumpkn and Damorquis
Commandos! Welcome to Season 2 of Commander’s Horn! I’m back in the studio with Damorquis and SirPumpkn talking about Masters postponement, hidden MMR, and more! Video version here: Follow SirPumpkn: @SirpumpknFollow Damorq...
CH#121 – “Golden Years” w/ Shinmiri and Spyro
Commandos! Welcome back to another episode of Commander’s Horn, where I am joined by Shinmiri and Spyro_ZA! Video version here: We’re talking about a diverse meta, both in faction representation and strategies.
CH#120 – “Judgment Day” w/ Jaggerous and BabyJosus
Commandos! Welcome back to another episode with Team Leviathan’s Jaggerous and Team Rankstar’s BabyJosus! YouTube video link: Team Aretuza caster interviews: Merchants of Novigrad #3,
CH#119 – “Return to Glory” w/ SirPumpkn and Green Cricket
Commandos! Welcome back to another episode with Scoia’Tael Faction Ambassador SirPumpkn and Gwent Master Analyst Green Cricket! Video version here: We’re talking 3.2, Challenger,
CH#118 – “Buff Everything” w/ Molegion + Trynet
Commandos! McBeard is live from a new Commander’s Horn studio, here with Gwent Open Semifinalist Molegion and Syndicate Faction Ambassador Trynet! Video version here: movers lost my second monitor so the guest video qu...
CH#117 – Live From The Free City w/ LordBushWook and Green Knight
Hi everyone! Today my guests are Green Knight, pro player and Gwent Open qualifier, and LordBushWook, competitive streamer. We talk about the impact of the Syndicate, the Bounty mechanic, the future of bronze cards, dual faction cards, and more!