Comics Therapy

Comics Therapy

Episode 45 - Aliens Exist

June 07, 2014

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.

Two comics from Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite alien in comics, tv, or movies).

On The Couch: writer Jeremy Holt.

Show Notes:

This week we’re talking about the classic threat that has peppered
speculative fiction for centuries - alien invasion. It’s a theme that
we’ve touched on before, but so has virtually every civilization since
the dawn of time. We’re discussing Earth under attack long after the
demise of humans, leaving our successors to defend their lives and our
legacy, and we’re taking a look at what might happen when the aliens
themselves have home field advantage, and your only defense is a field
hockey stick and some theater props. Also, that totally makes the humans
the aliens, right? Mind blown. Pssshhhhhh.

D4VE #5 10:20

may have lost the robot uprising, but the joke’s on them. Recreated in
our image, the robot’s lives are just as empty and unfulfilling as
humanity’s. Until the aliens come. Dun dun DUH.

Bonus: Andrea has no sense of humor. But Aaron already knew that.

The Woods #2 22:17

Transported to an alien world, the students of Bay Point Prep fight teachers, creatures and each other to survive. Dun dun DUH.

Bonus: Andrea hates The Giver. Aaron is crushed. Comics, what?

The Couch - Jeremy Holt 38:18

You may know Jeremy from his Multiversity column Strange Love or his books Southern Dog and Cobble Hill, both originally published by 215Ink. Southern Dog
will be published by Action Lab Entertainment beginning in August. He
is currently writing two books published by MonkeyBrain Comics, Art Monster and Skinned, the latter co-written by Tim Daniel.