Comics Therapy

Comics Therapy

Episode 35 - Don’t Call It A Comeback

March 21, 2014


Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.

Two books from March 19, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about how much better you could be than Meyers as a co-host), and speaking of…

Up first is ALL! NEW! NUMBER! ONE! NOW! Andrea’s Got Her Groove Back #1 (see below to download the uncut version) with guest hosts Roderick Ruth and Keith Silva. But don’t worry, that doesn’t last for long. Aaron is back with a vengeance for the main part of the show.

And on The Couch, Andrea and Aaron talk with artist Dennis Culver.

Show Notes:

This week’s theme is the more things change, the more they stay the same. (Get it?) It
was incredibly tempting to just pick two all new number one relaunches
and be done with it…oh wait, that’s exactly what we did. Looking at an
iconic character - Daredevil - and the return of a much loved story -
American Vampire - gives us a chance to talk about the patterns in our
lives that might feel different but are probably as old as time itself.

American Vampire: Second Cycle #1 18:55

Daredevil #1 33:30

The Couch - artist Dennis Culver 46:25

Dennis is the co-creater and artist of Edison Rex,
published digitally by MonkeyBrain Comics. Volume 2: Heir Apparent is
out in trade from IDW. Also this week, you can find the first part of
his story Davey Jones And The Mystery of the Monocle Men in Dark Horse Presents #34.

Andrea’s Got Her Groove Back #1

Big shout out and thank you to Roderick and Keith for playing along on the intro to this week’s episode. You can find more from Keith at Comics Bulletin and Rod at Comicosity.
These guys know their stuff, and Andrea had a great time talking with
them for far longer than she intended. You can listen to the full, uncut
version of their conversation about Batman & Aquaman #29, Sex Criminals #5, True Detective, and Disney’s Frozen here.

Also, huge thanks to Matt Baum and Joe Patrick from the Two-Headed Nerd Comicast, Charles from Panel Culture, Jason Sacks from Comics Bulletin and Jake Arky, My Friend Dahmer playwright
and Comics Therapy’s own in-house voice talent, for sending in
“auditions†to be Andrea’s ‘new’ co-host. The check’s in the mail.