Comics Place presents... (formerly Perfectly Acceptable Podcast by Comics Place)
Latest Episodes
All New, All Roman
This episode contains a secret... can you figure out what it is? Well, while you ponder that gem, get ready to listen to some golden comic book content, all about last week's releases!
Spider-Jeff: Roman's Last Hunt
Django comes back hot and heavy, causing some friction on whether this episode or last week's was the best.
New Champion of the Comics Place
Django's gone, so we get to celebrate Jeff's birthday for one more week. I mean, he's just that great! So prepare yourself for two fantastic buddies riffing on comics, guitars, and other nerd culture!
Caskets, Controversies, & Comics!
On the eve of All Hallum's Ween, Django and Jeff gather around the dust-filled and cobweb-ridden fireplace to talk about comic paper quality, different types of comic coloring, and also some good ol'
A Long Cold March Toward Finales
The wondrous trio of Jeff, Django, and Roman have returned from their trek in the Bat-desert (AKA Portland, Oregon) and find themselves starving for some comic consumption...
Roman's Greatest Fear
Dark Ride, Junkyard Joe, Earth Divers, Tom King, Night of the Ghoul, Scott Snyder...
The Mike Rundel Experience (Not Safe For Moms)
Hey folks! Thank you to everyone that came out to The Comics Place 40th Anniversary Party! We had a blast and truly appreciate everyone that came through. Now, prepare yourselves, as we have a real ti
The Secret Sauce AKA Figley Juice
With Jeff gone this week, the podcast has the chance to go off the rails... and you really gotta prepare yourself for the amount of sheer hilarity that's about to come at ya. So hop on the speeding tr
Sweet Sound of Comic Book ASMR
The classic trio is back at it again this week with a Kevin Smith-heavy episode and some real mind-boggling discussion about what exactly is going on in some of this week's comics... Can we make sense
2 Comic Buddies and a Bit
Django has returned, but it happened so abruptly that he scared Roman and Colette away for the week.