Comics Place presents... (formerly Perfectly Acceptable Podcast by Comics Place)

Comics Place presents... (formerly Perfectly Acceptable Podcast by Comics Place)

Episode 150 - A Perfectly Acceptable Live Show

October 10, 2019

Awwwwwww Yeah! It happened! A live celebration for the 150 birthday of The Perfectly Acceptable Podcast! Roman, Jeff, Django, Justin, Braden, Colette, & Ashton all take the stage in some form or another to talk about the weeks books. And to JUST SEE what it feels like to be in front of all you wonderful people! So, we humbly present to you an unedited retelling of the nights events… October 3rd, 2019. You’ll have to forgive the lack of timestamps this week… A Tremendous heartfelt thank you to everyone that came to the event, and a huge thank you to both Ryan Russell and Ron Warner.

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!