The Comedy-O-Rama Hour

The Comedy-O-Rama Hour

The Camp Waterlogg Halloween Party - part 1

October 18, 2013

On this week's original improvisational radio theater comedy hour, Ellis and Elise are installing security cameras around Camp Waterlogg as Andy and Lkie enjoy spooky stories by the guest's of Ranger Joe and Lorie's pre-Halloween party. Meanwhile, Sgt. Lefty and Olive Pitts meet the camp's new dog Sophie.

The scenes feature the real life pet of Joe Bevilacqua and Lorie Kellogg. The married couple, who create Comedy-O-Rama each week, rescued nine month old border collie Sophie Tucker last October.

Bev and Kellogg improvised all the character's voices, including four the radio cartoon: "A Different Take on Halloween", "The Brave Boy and the Multicolored Ghost", "The Sweet Witch", and "Katrina the Capricious Witch" by Pedro Pablo Sacristan.

Husband and wife, Joe Bev and Lorie Kellogg have been working together since they met in 1996. Lat year, they toured with their Vaudeville in the Catskills stage show, in which they performed Lambchops the classic Burns and Allen comedy routine, and Bev MCd and performed the classic Abbott and Costello routine Who's On First? with Bob Greenberg.

More about Waterlogg Productions at

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Cartoon Carnival Podcast

Joe Bev Experience Podcast

and check out Rick Oveton's podcast too! Overview with Rick Overton