Come Follow Me | Podcast

Come Follow Me | Podcast

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Faith without Works is Dead ~ James 1-2 ~ Come Follow Me Podcast
November 18, 2019

What is the meaning of “wisdom” as referenced in James 1:5? What is the meaning of the “Royal Law?” What does James mean when he says, “faith without works is dead?” Is there a conflict in what James teaches about works and, what Paul are teaches abou

Pre-Existence ~ Hebrews 9-13 – Come Follow Me Podcast
November 12, 2019

You’ve heard of the Hall of Fame – Well, today, we are going to learn about who is in the Hall of Faith. We are also going to look at the greatest definition of true faith. And, clear up the false teaching that God created us spiritually before He crea

Who was Melchizedek? – Hebrews 7-8 ~ Come Follow Me Podcast
November 11, 2019

Who was Melchizedek? Was he a priesthood to be handed down and transferred to other men? How was Melchizedek (King of Salem) a representation of the coming Messiah? We are about to find our answers.

Hebrews 1-6 ~ Come Follow Me
November 05, 2019

If the scriptures teach that God spoke through His prophets in the past and has now spoken to us in these last days through His Son – Why do religious sects like Mormonism claim the need to have living prophets?

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
October 28, 2019

The word “inspiration” is from the Greek word meaning “God-breathed.” So, we know then, that the Bible originated from God.

1 & 2 Thessalonians
October 28, 2019

Both Paul and Jesus prophesied that He, the Lord, would return soon – even within that generation. If that is true – why do most Christians and Mormons believe that event is yet to happen, now two thousand years later? Were Paul and Jesus mistaken or

October 14, 2019

Does the apostle Paul and Alma in the Book of Mormon both agree that God is Spirit

October 14, 2019

Are we to work for our salvation❓ Or, are we to work out our salvation❓ What is the difference? Paul will explain that salvation comes by putting our faith in the Jesus Christ – who did the work for us.

October 09, 2019

Mormonism claims to have the same organization that existed in the early Christian church, which was necessary to bring all believers into a unity of the faith. But a close examination of the LDS church structure reveals that it is not the same organiza

Ephesians 2 – Part 2 – Obedience to the Laws and Ordinances or Grace?
October 04, 2019

The Apostle Paul taught that we are saved by grace – it is the gift of God not of works. Nephi taught that we are saved AFTER all we can do. Joseph Smith taught that we are saved by obedience to laws and ordinances. Either Paul was right, or Nephi and