Come Follow Me | Podcast

Come Follow Me | Podcast

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Mosiah 29 – Alma 4
May 12, 2020

What is priestcraft? Who is the second “antichrist” mentioned in the Book of Mormon? Who was president of the country, president of the church, and head of the army – all at the same time? How was “silk” used by the Nephites when it was not present in th

Mosiah 25-28 | May 18-24
May 10, 2020

How should the Church deal with sinners and apostates? Does the Book of Mormon teaching of no paid clergy, apply to current LDS General Authorities? Are there striking parallels between the conversion and ministry of Alma and that of apostle Paul? Does t

Mosiah 18-24 | May 18-24
May 02, 2020

When was the word “Mormon” first used in the Book of Mormon text?  When was the first baptism mentioned in the Book of Mormon?  How is Alma’s baptism and Joseph Smith’s baptism in some ways similar?  Why does the name “Mormon” offend God today?  Does the

Mosiah 7-10 | Apr 27 – May 3
April 15, 2020

Were Book of Mormon temples used primarily for assemblies rather than for sacred ordinance work? Were grammatical errors present in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon? Did a resurrected God with a physical body come down to earth to take on flesh as

Mosiah 4-6 | Apr 20-26
April 07, 2020

Are there similarities in King Benjamin’s speech and that of 19th century revival meetings? Could Benjamin be teaching an “impossible gospel” concerning sinning, repentance and forgiveness? In appointing priests, was Mosiah II giving those men the Aaro

Mosiah 1-3 | April 13-19
March 27, 2020

Were sacrifices and burnt offerings in the Book of Mormon done appropriately according to the Law of Moses? How many different temples were mentioned in the Book of Mormon? What does it mean to receive a new name? How do the Book of Mormon prophets disag

Enos – The Words of Mormon | Mar 23-29
March 19, 2020

Did Joseph Smith end up possessing the sword of Laban as some witnesses say he did? Ever wondered why the Lamanites never kept records to tell their side of the story? Were there specific animals mentioned that were not introduced to the Americas for a

Jacob 5-7 | Mar 16-22
March 07, 2020

Do olive trees grow in vineyards? Or, do olive trees grow in groves? Are the titles – Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit – used anachronistically in the Book of Jacob? Did the Nephites speak and write using French words? We will address each of these questio

Jacob 1-4 | Mar 9-15
March 02, 2020

Why would a book claiming to be scripture want to be associated with having a “familiar spirit”???? Is Jesus Christ – Eternal God???? How reliable is the Bible? Why was the word “white” changed to “pure” in referencing the righteous Lamanites???? We w

2 Nephi 31-33 | Mar 2-8
February 22, 2020

Why would a book claiming to be scripture want to be associated with having a “familiar spirit”???? Is Jesus Christ – Eternal God???? How reliable is the Bible? Why was the word “white” changed to “pure” in referencing the righteous Lamanites???? We w