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Latest Episodes

WEEK 43 - 1 & 2 Thesselonians
October 15, 2023

Week 43 - 1 & 2 Thesselonians: Satan has convinced many in the world that there is no God, he has convinced others that there is no truth. But, even believers are not any better off if we allow h

WEEK 42 - Philippians & Colossians
October 08, 2023

Week 42 - Philippians and Colossians: "That's all the world has to offer: medication and the solution is just to manage it. Well, God can do better than that. In fact, in these very verses we looked a

WEEK 41 - Ephesians
October 01, 2023

Week 41 - Ephesians: "Gods word is enough, it is sufficient. We do not need to add anything to it. Because when we do we expose a weakness and the adversary will attack."Please visit us at CFMpodca

WEEK 40 - Galatians
September 24, 2023

Week 40 - Glatians: "Now, that takes it to a whole other level. That is so much more than the love of others as ourselves. This is multiplying what was already very hard to begin with law, to a level

September 17, 2023

Week 39: 2 Corinthians 8-13 - "Remember that when we wear the mask that so many of us put on, God can not bless us for who we are pretending to be but only who we actually are. Our authentic, vulnerab

September 10, 2023

Week 38 - 2 Corinthians 1-7: "That seems to be the exact opposite of what the world teaches. Yet, therein lies the key of usefulness to God. When I am weak, then I am strong. With this principle etc

September 03, 2023

Week 37: 1 Corinthians 14-16 - "I'm sure you are all aware that I love it when we get to talk about Adam and Eve. We learn so much from them. There is a reason that temple ceremonies use them as an il

August 27, 2023

Week 36 - 1 Corinthians 8-13 - Nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to doPlease Visit us at

WEEK 35 - 1 Corinthians 1-7
August 20, 2023

Week 35 - Corinthians 1-7: The moment you have a self there is the temptation to put it forward, to put it first and at the center of things. And the more we aresocially or intellectually or politic

WEEK 34 - Romans 7-16
August 13, 2023

Week 34 - Romans 7-16: "God has a plan and a purpose for your life and if you will let Him, He will make you into what He created you to be; a glorious, happy, beautiful, successful son or daughter of