Come Follow me

Come Follow me

Latest Episodes

WEEK 36- When Casting out devils doesn't work
September 01, 2019

WEEK 36- 1 CORINTHIANS 14-16: Paul is Bold with the People of Corinth, And we must be so as well. We will talk about a key to Combating the adversary and how to weaken his influence on us.

August 25, 2019

1st Corinthians 8-13: We think we have done everything right, checked all the boxes. But we may be surprised when we are found wanting at the day of judgement. why? and how we can change that now!

August 18, 2019

1 Corinthians 1-7: Does any body know what Paul is talking about when he says twice that our body is a temple? Do you know what that means? On this episode we will discuss some ideas that will help us clarify this mystery.

WEEK 33- Are we stealing their agency?
August 11, 2019

Romans 7-16: Paul gives us the keys to a successful life and how by some small actions we can be freed from the Law of sin and death.

WEEK 32- Are we really sinning?
August 04, 2019

Romans 1-6: Perhaps we have mis-understood the definition of what sin in for our whole life. My eyes were open and my understanding broadened when i was told of the true definition of Sin as translated from ancient Greek.

WEEK 31- Why the Heavens seem closed
July 28, 2019

Week 31 - Acts 22-28: When you do everything you know how to commune with God and all you get is silence. Whey do the heaven seem closed or non-existent some times. and how we can pierce the vial of unbelief.

WEEK 30- Can I perform a Miracle?
July 21, 2019

Acts 16-21 - Paul shows great power with the miracles he performs. What do we learn and how can we gain power to perform miracles just as Paul did.

WEEK 29- False Traditions
July 14, 2019

Acts 10-15: Does the Adversary use man made traditions in the church to take away light and truth? How do some traditions in the church distract us from the pure, true light of Christ.

WEEK 28- Instant Repentance
July 07, 2019

Acts 6-9: The story of Saul's conversion along with a few others in these chapters. How long does it take to repent. In this weeks lesson we learn God willingness to forgive in an instant.

WEEK 27- The Acts of the Apostles
June 30, 2019

The Acts of the Apostles chaperter 1-5 -Who wrote this book and why? With some highlights of some great stories contained in them.