Come Follow me

Come Follow me

Latest Episodes

WEEK 37 - How to prepare to meet Christ when he comes
September 06, 2020

WEEK 37 - 3rd Nephi 1-7: These chapters cover the 34 years that Christ is doing his ministry in Jerusalem. The Nephits are struggling to hold onto the Gospel as the pride cycle takes hold of them again and again as they prepare to meet Christ when...

WEEK 36- 2 Principles that give us direction and hope.
August 30, 2020

WEEK 36- Helaman 13-16: Samuel the Lamanite preaches to the wicked Nephites, After being ejected from their city several times, while on the wall he doesn't pull any punches. There are 2 related principles we discuss in this podcast. Principles...

WEEK 34 - What causes God to manifest a miracle?
August 16, 2020

WEEK 34: Heleman 1-6: Nephi and Lehi the 2 sons of Heleman leave on their mission to the wicked Laminates. They have great success and are thrown into prison, then a miraculous event converts 300 who witness the pillars of fire and the voice of...

WEEK 32- the Great Captain Moroni is just like you?
August 02, 2020

WEEK 32: Alma 43-52- Captain Moroni enters the scene. This great man take over the Nephite army at the age of 25. Alma describes him in some very flattering words. This teaches us a lot about what we can do to be like Moroni in our day. for...

WEEK 31- How to get to know God
July 26, 2020

WEEK 31: Alma 39-42: Alma teaches us tons of amazing doctrine as he also teaches his son. In this episode we will focus on one verse, and one doctrine that i believe is very important. Links:...

WEEK 30- How to Prosper in our "Land"
July 19, 2020

WEEK 30: Alma 36-38, "If you keep the commandments of God you will prosper in the land" What does this mean for us. how can we have peace and prosperity in our "land"? This is the question we will try to answer this week. link to talk:...

WEEK 27- How do we deal with hard things in our lives?
June 28, 2020

WEEK 27 - Alma 23-29 - How are we to apply the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehites to our lives? how could we bury our weapons of war and embrace our enemies? President Packer tells us how. link to his talk:...

WEEK 26- You don't have to cut off arms to be a good Missionary!
June 21, 2020

WEEK 26- Alma 17-22: The story of Ammon and why he was such an effective missionary. what he did is the key to missionary work today, (minus cutting off the arms). We will look at 3 main skills he used and also how he prepared to serve a mission,...

WEEK 25- Does God require the sacrifice of everything?
June 14, 2020

WEEK 25 - Alma 13-16: A religion that doesn't require the sacrifice of all thing can not produce power sufficient to save or redeem its people. In these chapters we are studying this week, the saints gave up everything, some even gave their lives....

WEEK 24 -How to receive a "Greater portion of the word"
June 07, 2020

WEEK 24- Alma 8-12: Alma meets his new mission companion Amulek, Together they teach doctrine that has changed the way we worship today. We will talk today about 1 doctrine that will bring more blessings to our life than we could every have...