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Come Follow me

Latest Episodes

WEEK 18 - D&C 45
April 25, 2021

WEEK 18: D&C 45 - The prophecy of the second coming of our Lord. Are we prepared? Do we know what we need to do to prepare spiritually for his coming? This is our topic for this week. links:...

WEEK 17 - D&C 41-44
April 18, 2021

WEEK 17: D&C 41-44 - The Law of Consecration is also known as the Holy order. In order for us to be able to live that order someday we must first become holy or consecrated. in the episode we will discuss how we can do this. link:...

WEEK 16 - D&C 37-40
April 11, 2021

Week 16 -D&C 37-40: Let each man esteem his brother as him self. Or higher then him self.... Pride is the universal sin. We must understand it and be able to eliminate it from our lives. link:...

WEEK 15 - D&C 30-36
April 04, 2021

WEEK 15: D&C 30-36, He shall sit as a refiner and refine us as gold and silver. What does this mean for us, and how does it look in our lives. link: for questions or comments...

WEEK 14 - Easter
March 28, 2021

WEEK 14: EASTER! As we reflect on our saviors sacrifice and triumphant raise from the grave, might we enjoys this life that he has blessed us with. In this episode we will discuss the best ways to do that. link: I referenced Brene Browns book...

WEEK 13 - D&C 29
March 21, 2021

WEEK 13 - D&C 29: The advisory can teach us much in this life. We can not fully appreciate the sweet in our lives until we first taste the bitter. Just as Adam and Eve couldn't feel true joy until they were cast out of the Garden. link:...

WEEK 12 - D&C 27-28
March 14, 2021

WEEK 12: D&C 27-28 - The Armor of God explained. with a lot of references link:

WEEK 11 - D&C 23-26
March 07, 2021

WEEK 11 - D&C 23-26: Do we understand how to access the powers of heaven for healing and miracles in our lives? We can experience great things if we have greater faith. link:...

WEEK 10 - D&C 20-22
February 28, 2021

WEEK 10: D&C 20-22, Justification and Sanctification are the 2 words that cause pondering for me when I read these revelations. What do they mean and how can it change us? link:...

WEEK 9 - D&C 18-19
February 21, 2021

WEEK 9- D&C 18-19, The worth of souls is great in the site of God. do we understand what that means? Have we considered how this one statement can change everything we do and especially have we feel and act towards others? for questions or...