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Come Follow me

Latest Episodes

WEEK 44 - Ezekiel
October 23, 2022

Week 44 - Ezekiel - "This is the peace and joy that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring into our lives."for links, references, and transcripts please visit us at

October 16, 2022

Week 43- Jeremiah 30-36, Lamentations: "This scripture teaches us that the voice which we seek is not heard with the mortal ear, but the voice is felt with the heart because it comes from within."

October 09, 2022

Week 42 - Jeremiah 1-20: "Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord."Please visit us at

WEEK 41- ISAIAH 58-66
October 02, 2022

Week 41 - Isaiah 58-66: "When we see the adversary for who he really is and the outcome of his motives, we can quickly make the choice to say as Jesus did, Get thee behind me Satan.Please visit

WEEK 40- ISAIAH 50-57
September 25, 2022

Week 40 - Isaiah 50-57: "God treated Jesus the way you and I deserve to be treated, so that God could treat us the way that Jesus deserved to be treated."Please visit us at

WEEK 39- ISAIAH 40-49
September 18, 2022

Week 39 - Isaiah 40-49: But they that await upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

WEEK 38- ISAIAH 13-35
September 11, 2022

WEEK 38 - Isaiah 13-35: [it was Jesuss] brotherly hands and determined arms that reached into the abyss of death to save us from our fallings and our failings, from our sorrows and our sins."Fo

WEEK 37- ISAIAH 1-12
September 04, 2022

Week 37 - Isaiah 1-12: Satan doesn't win when he can get us to cross the line, but whenhe convinces us that there is no way back"Please visit us at for transcripts, and contact

August 28, 2022

WEEK 36 - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

WEEK 35 - PSALMS 102-150
August 21, 2022

Week 35 - Psalms 102-150: "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day."