Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

”Thank God for Fellow Believers”
May 21, 2023

after all he had been through...arrest, imprisonment, court hearings, trials, storm, shipwreck, snakebite...the wholeordeal...-Paul is finally in Italy/Rome-he is encouragedand strengthenedwhen h

May 14, 2023

Scriptures details the need of self control to effectively and successfully live the Christian life

: ”Do Not Doubt”
May 07, 2023

-Paul is in Rome-Point to Ponder (again)...God is incrediblyfaithful-we will explainthe reason God continues to emphasize this truth to us in the conclusion/application

”More Bad Luck”
April 23, 2023

Theme: Paul survivedpersecutionby the Jews and Gentiles alike, imprisonment by the Romans, a storm at sea, shipwreck...and now this...a poisonous snake bite...-more bad luck...or isit???-God has

: ”Shipwreck”
April 16, 2023

Theme: the vesselcarrying Paul to Rome is going to wreck-there's a promisefrom God there will be no loss of life-however the promise is conditioned on all the men staying with the boat-some try t

brief devotional and communion
April 09, 2023

brief devotional and communion

Nightmare at Sea”
April 02, 2023

the voyage from Caesareato Rome is growing more difficult...and about to become a nightmare-an angel appears to Paul and tells him twice to not be afraid-what's in it for us-we can also live a fea

”Off to Rome”
March 26, 2023

Paul's trial is finally over...he's off to Rome-however, the trip is not the voyage they had hoped for...-lessons from this first leg of Paul's journey to Rome

”Almost Persuaded”
March 19, 2023

: Paul is now well into his defense...and giving his testimonyof meeting Jesus to King Agrippa and the crowd of dignitaries and leadersgathered ...-it is suddenly interrupted by Festus-Paul press

: ”Make No Mistake About It”
March 12, 2023

Theme: In making his defense Paul is trying to convince the audience thatJesus is the promised Messiah/Savior whom Scripture prophesied...-We will try also to convince ourselves even more throughas
