Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

”Direct Access”
August 06, 2023

Through Christ...we have direct access to the throne of God...into the very Presence of God-we will explain this spiritual blessing in Christ then present a challengeThe Challenge: what

”Guaranteed Inheritance”
July 23, 2023

In Christ we are guaranteedan inheritance...we willfocus on and try to explain this Biblical concept

”Redeemed and Forgiven”
July 16, 2023

In Christ believers are redeemed and forgiven-we will try to explain what this means and from what exactly are we redeemed and forgiven?

”Child of God”
July 09, 2023

Another of the spiritual blessings for those who come to Christ:-He gives us the right to become sons and daughters of God-adopted members of God's family

”Blessed in Christ Part II
July 02, 2023

Eph. begins by stating how blessed believers are IN Christ, in the heavenly realms....with all spiritual blessings-Sunday we will look at the first of a number of spiritualblessings we have in Chris

: ”Blessed in Christ”
June 25, 2023

: believers are blessed "in Christ" with all spiritualblessings in the heavenly realms-we will tryto explain and make some kinda sense outta this verse

: ”Grace Grace and more Grace”
June 18, 2023

Grace!!! It's all about Grace!-what is it?-how does it operate in the life of a believer?

”The Book of Introduction”
June 11, 2023

: informational introduction to the Book of Ephesians

Water Baptism
June 04, 2023

baptism service-devotional on water baptism from Scripture-at this moment we are planningon baptizing 8;-possibly 10 or more

Acts 28:23-31
May 28, 2023

: our last sermon in Acts-very fitting close to the series-began with a message on mision-ending with a message on mission
