Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

”God Given Purpose”
March 05, 2023

As Paul continues to textify his defense (share his testimony) he consciouslyof unconsciouslystate his God given purpose in life-we will see and show that we also have a God given purpose in life

”The Saga Continues”
February 26, 2023

Theme: Paul faced quite an intimidating scenario when he was brought in again for trial...pomp and circumstance...King Grippa, Bernice, many high ranking officials and leading citizens of the city-on

Faith The How And Why
February 19, 2023

Josh O'Dell

”Further Delays...”
February 12, 2023

Theme: We endedlast week withPaul preparing to go to Rome-then...further delayedarrive on the scene-will he ever get thereWhat can we do to make sure we correctly handle the delays, obstacles, o

”The Incredible Faithfulness of God”
February 05, 2023

God is incredibly faithful to keep and fulfill His promises to us

January 29, 2023

: explanationof the parable of the sower

: ”Sin Dies Hard”
January 22, 2023

Theme: How could the Jews be still harboring such anger, hatred, malice etc. for Paul that they are yet trying to ambush and kill him-because sin dies hard-becausesin left unchecked becomes entrenc

”Favor in the Midst of Trouble”
January 15, 2023

Theme: The trial of Paul ended abruptly with no solution or verdict-Paul faces two years incarceration before his next hearing-God grants him great favor in the midst of his troubles-God promises t

”Favor in the Midst of Trouble”
January 15, 2023

Theme: The trial of Paul ended abruptly with no solution or verdict-Paul faces two years incarceration before his next hearing-God grants him great favor in the midst of his troubles-God promises t

”Paul on Trial”
January 08, 2023

Theme: Paul is incarcerated in Caesareaawaitingtrial once his accusers arrive from Jerusalem-we will exegete the passage (grin)-give interpretation, commentary, and make severalrelevant points o
