Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"Testing 1,2,3"- Dan Beck
August 25, 2024

: a look at what the Bible has to say about the many times/ways God"tests" His people and what exactly is the purpose  

"Think Thanksgiving (not the holiday)
August 18, 2024

the hearts of believers are to be filled with thanksgiving andgratitude...-believers should be the most grateful people on earth...but are we?-it should be reflected and expressed in our speech/talk/conversations...but is it?

Never Quite Enough
August 11, 2024

: Turn away from greed...guard against greed...there are consequences to greed...instead of greedybe content...instead of greed, give generously

"Further Do's and Don'ts"
August 04, 2024

the next "don't" Paul mentions sexual immorality and impurity..-(not a topic I necessarilywant to speak on, but it came up in the rotation)-sexual immorality and unbecoming for followers of Christ

: "Love Like This"
July 28, 2024

: Paul exhorts the Ephesians believers to "live a life full of love"-we will explain and illustrate biblical love-how it is to operate in thechurch

"Imitation...the Highest Form of Flattery"
July 21, 2024

imitate likeHim...for we are His children-we are to be the splitting image of our Heavenly Father

July 14, 2024

CCF Baptism Service-see attached order of service-notice there is a special Hope's Haven testimony after the offering prayer/before worship,

"More Do's and Don'ts Part II"
July 07, 2024

in contrast to last weeks negative list of stuff to get rid of in our lives-this week...a list of positivestuff to embrace into our lives

"More Do's and Don'ts"
June 30, 2024

: Paul lists further behaviors and practices that are unbecoming of a mature believer's life-Paul says get rid of them...they gotta go

"Don't Hurt God's Feelings"
June 23, 2024

God is a Person...thereforeGod has emotions and feels emotional pain.Paul's admonishment to the Ephesians: don't hurt God's feelings