College Faith

College Faith

Latest Episodes

#6: How to Choose a College – Dr. David Wunder
March 01, 2021

Choosing a college or university is one of the most important decisions we make in life. It is also one of the most challenging decisions we will ever face. With so many options available and issues to consider, the process can seem overwhelming.

#5: A Practical Guide to Navigating University Culture – John Stonestreet
February 01, 2021

Christian students are called, as are all Christians, to be “in the world but not of it." Yet doing so is much easier said than done, and sometimes much harder on university campuses. To help students in this,

#4: Learning Well in the Virtual Environment – Pete Marra
January 01, 2021

We are undergoing a virtual learning revolution, as the COVID pandemic and the prevalence of technology intersect, leading universities to move most or all of their classes online. This presents new challenges, as well as new opportunities,

#3: Higher Education 101: How Universities Came to Be and How They Work – Dr. Liam Atchison
November 25, 2020

The better we understand higher education, the better we can navigate the university years well and flourish in both heart and mind. My guest today is a historian who understands the forces that caused and continue to shape higher education.

#2: Thriving as a Christian at a Secular University – Dr. Christy Moran Craft
November 04, 2020

Christian students at public universities face unique challenges, as well as unique opportunities. Whether a student thrives in this environment depends on many factors, including how they engage this "marketplace of ideas.

#1: How University Students Can Love God with Their Minds – Dr. JP Moreland
October 29, 2020

Understanding the importance of loving God with the mind as well as the heart is foundational for flourishing during the university years. My guest in this inaugural show is Dr. J.P. Moreland. We discuss themes in his book Love Your God with All Your M...
