College Faith

College Faith

#25: The Reasonableness of Faith: Why Students Should Study Apologetics

October 01, 2022

My guest is Dr. Paul Copan, a noted defender of the faith and professor of philosophy at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Paul has authored over a dozen books on apologetics, as well as edited and contributed to many more. He is with me today to discuss this vitally important topic of, in the words of Peter, “giving a reason for the hope within.” (I Peter 3:15)

In this podcast we discuss:

  • What is “apologetics”?
  • How Paul got interested in studying apologetics
  • Why it is important all Christian students understand apologetics
  • Understanding Christianity as a “knowledge tradition” rather than just a “belief tradition”
  • Why speaking in terms of “world views” requires atheists to also defend their beliefs
  • Some examples of how non-Christians and Christians have been helped by apologetics
  • Biblical passages that seem to say faith is important, not reason
  • “The problem of evil”–a common objection requiring a response (and a response)
  • The role of the Holy Spirit in apologetics
  • The most important apologetic topics to understand today
  • Old Testament ethical challenges like God possibly commanding genocide
  • Responding to challenges to the biblical view of sexuality
  • The importance of a proper understanding of faith and science
  • How to begin studying apologetics
  • Tips for having good apologetic conversations ”with gentleness and respect”

Resources mentioned during our conversation:
