College Faith

College Faith

#23: How To Watch A Movie, Using Top Gun: Maverick as an Example

August 01, 2022

My guest in this episode is Dr. Drew Trotter. Drew has been speaking on the intersection of “Faith and Film” for several decades in various contexts, weaving together his love of film and his theological training. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from the University of Cambridge.

I’ve asked Drew to help us understand how to watch a movie well, and model this as he reflects on the recent box-office hit Top Gun, Maverick

In this podcast we discuss:

  • Why Drew began evaluating movies as a college student
  • The central role stories play in shaping us
  • How movies use stories to shape us without us often knowing this is happening
  • The relationship between what movies tell us is true and how we live
  • Evaluating Top Gun: Maverick using Drew’s 10 questions
  • The difference between watching movies in a theater and at home or online
  • The future of movies
  • How even composition of a shot in a movie influences us

Resources mentioned during our conversation:
