College Faith

College Faith

#13: Being Part of God’s Greater Plan – Roger Hershey

October 01, 2021

Welcome to another edition of the College Faith Podcast, sponsored by Global Scholars. My guest today is Roger Hershey, a national traveling speaker and campus ministry consultant with Cru. Roger has ministered to university students for 50 years now, sharing truths and wisdom that has changed the lives of thousands of students. I know this firsthand, because I was one who, now four decades ago, had the privilege of being discipled by Roger while a student at Miami University.  I am thrilled to have Roger on the show and have him share some of his wisdom on this podcast.

In this podcast we discuss:

What led him and Jason Weimer to write The Finishers
Why he believes this generation of students can finish taking the gospel to all people groups
How his time in college deepened his vision to be part of fulfilling the Great Commission of Matt. 28:18-20
His challenge to students to reject a posture of entitlement, and their reaction
The difference between rights and privileges
Breaking free of our “Pea-sized Christianity” and being a “World Christian”
Why God often uses students to begin spiritual revivals
The Christian Chinese “Back to Jerusalem” movement
Defining the “10-40 Window” and why it is important
Why understanding the return of Christ should motivate us to be World Christians
The role students can play in helping fulfill the Great Commission while still in college
The importance of students getting involved in a campus ministry (see for a list of good campus ministries on your campus)  
The three key elements to use when evaluating which campus ministry to join
The importance of having the correct understanding of calling and of God’s will
Finding one’s “sweet spot”: gifts and strengths, passions, and the needs in the world
Seeing our work as having both intrinsic and instrumental value
The greatest challenges students face in fulfilling their callings
The current confusion between the gospel and social justice, and how this influences students and ministry
The cautionary example of the Student Volunteer Movement
How the gospel and justice do fit together
Why students must understand God’s grace, their identity in Christ, and that God loves them and likes them
Living life with an “eternal perspective”
Living in light of the Holy Spirit’s leading
The centrality of God’s Word and “thinking Christianly”
The importance of knowing Christ is the only way to God
The three things to look for in a mentor (someone to disciple you) 

Resources mentioned during our conversation:

Roger Hershey and Jason Weimer, The Finishers
The Campus Ministry branch of CRU
Robert Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
The U.S. Center for World Missions (Now Frontier Ventures)
Greg H. Parsons, Ralph D. Winter: Early Life and Core Missiology
Global Scholars
David Bryant, In the Gap: What it Means to be a World Christian
The Jesus Film Project
Wycliffe Bible Translators
J.P. Moreland, Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit’s Power
Kevin DeYoung, Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will
Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle: Discovering The Secret of Joyful Giving
Os Guinness, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life
William Lane Craig on the Problem of Evil
Todd Ahren, In This Generation: Looking to the Past to Reach the Present
Thaddeus Williams, Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice
Eric Metaxas, Amazing Grace: William Wiberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery (also a major motion picture)
Rob Bell, Love Wins,
