College Faith

College Faith

#1: How University Students Can Love God with Their Minds – Dr. JP Moreland

October 29, 2020

Understanding the importance of loving God with the mind as well as the heart is foundational for flourishing during the university years. My guest in this inaugural show is Dr. J.P. Moreland. We discuss themes in his book Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul.

Dr. Moreland is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He has spoken to students and professors on over 175 campuses, and has authored, edited, or contributed to over 90 books and over 85 academic journal articles. In 2019 he was named one of the top 50 living philosophers. Few are as qualified to discuss this issue than Dr. Moreland.

In this podcast we discuss:

Why he wrote this book for the Christian community 
The importance of students knowing why they believe what they believe 
The correct definition of “faith”
Why faith and reason are not opposites but complement one another 
The difference between a “faith tradition “ and a “knowledge tradition” 
Some challenges Christian students will face on campus, and how to respond
How parents can help prepare their children to think Christianly during college, and how early to start 
How students can respond if a campus ministry is discouraging study and the life of the mind 
How to evaluate one’s major from a Christian perspective 
The relationship of knowledge to wisdom, and the demise of teaching wisdom at college 
How to discern a professors’ knowledge from a professor’s opinion 
Responding to scientism 
Responding to relativism 
Resources to help students find answers to their questions 

Resources mentioned during our conversation:

Loving God with your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Mind
J.P. Moreland’s website
Scientism and Secularism by J.P. Moreland
Reasonable Faith, the website of William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig’s apologetics books for you children
Summit Ministries
Brett Kunkle books and podcasts and website
Shawn McDowell’s books and podcast and website
Stand To Reason
Ratio Christi
Christian Professional Societies (per academic discipline)
Discovery Institute
