The TechSalesShow

Latest Episodes
E136 – LC31 – Outsourcing & Assistants
A listener’s choice that is way over due! This week Bobby and Brian share a lot of tips and tricks for literally outsourcing anything you want to outsource. From sales tasks to laundry to grocery shopping, we help you with ideas,
E135 – S24:E3 – Meeting Prep 2.0, FOLLOW UP
This week we wrap up series 24. Meeting prep is one thing ALL sales reps must do well, must own and must follow up from! That is what this week is all about! Make sure you listened to the first two episodes and take to heart what we share this week.
E134 – S24:E2 – Meeting Prep 2.0, PLAN
This week we tackle the PLAN for your meeting! This is a huge miss by average reps. Too often they work hard for a meeting, get the right people lined up to attend and don’t spend the proper amount of time to plan for a great meeting.
E133 – S24:E1 – Meeting Prep 2.0, PREPARE
This week on the show we start a new series on Meeting Prep! We are going to cover topics over the next three weeks that average reps avoid or just don’t do. Buckle up and get ready for some candid feedback.
E132 – LC30 – Your Social Media Presence
This week we have a show to help you clean up and protect your social media presence. We also will publish a tool by the middle of the week that will help you get all your pages protected and cleaned up. This is something that many people overlook.
E131 – LC29 – Stories & Case Studies
This week on The TechSalesShow we share a new tool and ideas on how to collect a long list of stories and case studies to help you in your sales efforts. Recently in a coaching session, one of Bobby’s customers was looking for a way to quickly find and...
E130 – INT12 – Brittany Nieh
This week on The TechSalesShow we interview Brittany Nieh. Brittany is a tech sales rep from Dallas, Texas. She moved to San Francisco, then London, and now is selling in Hamburg, Germany. A very interesting story and perspective we can all use.
E129 – LC29 – Your Questions, Part 2
We have had a number of questions come in over the past few weeks. We are answering those questions and love doing these episodes! Please keep the questions coming. This week is part 2 and we tackle 4 or 5 questions. Enjoy!
E128 – LC28 – Your Questions, Part 1
We have had a number of questions come in over the past few weeks. We are answering those questions and love doing these episodes! Please keep the questions coming. This week is part 1 and we tackle 5 or 6 questions. Enjoy!
E127 – LC27 – Choose the Right Words
This week hasn’t been an easy one and we share our thoughts on an article for the Harvard Business Review ( The article is titled Choose the Right Words in an Argument. She gives three tips to help you do just that, 1) Say Nothing,