The Collected Podcast

The Collected Podcast

S2 Episode 18- Banning Liebscher

June 04, 2020

This week we are excited to share our interview with Banning Liebscher-- pastor and founder of Jesus Culture! He shares about his latest book, The Three-Mile Walk: The Courage You Need to Live the Life God Wants for You (on sale NOW), in which he draws from the biblical story of Jonathan, who, after a treacherous 3-mile hike, boldly stepped into battle and saw God work a stunning victory against impossible odds. You won't want to miss Banning's inspirational thoughts on leadership and using your gifts for the glory of God's Kingdom!


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To learn more about Collected Ministries email Collected workshops are centered on worship, restorative creativity, and designated time for reflection, evaluation, and setting intentions. We provide a safe environment for practicing low-stakes creative risk-taking that will spur participants on to have the grit and courage to embrace their gifting and step further into their calling.

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This episode of The Collected Podcast was recorded and edited by Jacob Early.