The Collected Podcast

The Collected Podcast

S2 Episode 9- Rebecca Bender

January 30, 2020

Rebecca Bender, CEO & Founder, RBI, Survivor Leader and Author of In Pursuit of Love, Rebecca thought she found her fairytale when she moved to Las Vegas with her boyfriend. But her dream became her nightmare when her boyfriend became her pimp at the age of 19. Trapped in a life of chaos, coerced into prostitution, abused and controlled by her trafficker, Rebecca was forced into sex trafficking for nearly six years. Many attempted escapes, two brandings, and several pimps later, Federal Investigators raided the home, allowing her an eventual avenue for escape.

IG: @imrebeccabender
FB: @imrebeccabender


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The Collected Podcast is sponsored by The Gebhardt Schleipp Group at Baird Financial— delivering personalized financial advice that helps clients reach their long term goals. Contact David at to learn more!

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This episode of The Collected Podcast was recorded and edited by Jacob Early.