The Collected Podcast

The Collected Podcast

Episode 47- Brian Dixon

September 05, 2019

Brian is passionate about helping authors, speakers, and aspiring messengers create a sustainable business through growing their platform, and creating compelling online courses. He is the co-founder of hope*writers, a membership site of over 2,000 working writers. Brian has a doctoral degree from the University of San Diego. He and his wife Julie live in Charlotte, NC with their three young children.

His new book, Start With Your People, is available for pre-order and launches next week Tuesday, September 10th!


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To learn more about Collected Workshops email Collected workshops are centered on worship, restorative creativity, and designated time for reflection, evaluation, and setting intentions. We provide a safe environment for practicing low-stakes creative risk-taking that will spur participants on to have the grit and courage to embrace their gifting and step further into their calling.

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This episode of The Collected Podcast was recorded and edited by Jacob Early.

Support for The Collected Podcast is provided by Clean Juice. Order and pay ahead with the Clean Juice app to receive special offers and rewards.