The Collected Podcast

The Collected Podcast

Episode #16- Sergei Prokhnevskiy

January 31, 2019

Sergei Prokhnevskiy came to the US as a refugee from the U.S.S.R. in 2000. He and his twin brother are self-taught motion graphic designers with a successful YouTube channel and company called Ukramedia. We’re talking persecution, overcoming a poverty mindset, the power of imagination, prophetic voices, and listening to that still small voice.

To learn more about Collected Workshops email Collected workshops are centered on worship, restorative creativity, and designated time for reflection, evaluation, and setting intentions. We provide a safe environment for practicing low-stakes creative risk-taking that will spur participants on to have the grit and courage to embrace their gifting and step further into their calling.

For access to all episodes and show notes, please visit

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