Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-42 Haters
July 17, 2019

The song goes “haters are gonna hate.” We all will have them at some point in our life. It’s how we handle them that will define who we are and who they are. Today, pour a nice cup of joe and listen to some ways we can effectively deal with those who hat.

CWD-41 Embrace the Obstacles
July 15, 2019

In today’s episode we talk about the difficult things. Things in life that we don’t often want to do or want to face. Have you ever thought about what it take to change your mindset to a point where you would actually embrace the difficult things? What d.

CWD-40 The Masterpiece Within
June 05, 2019

There is a concept that states we all have a masterpiece within us. It’s the one unique thing that reveals itself to the world over the course of our life that represents the best sum total of who we are as a person and makes the world better for you hav.

CWD-39 Perseverance vs Persistence
June 03, 2019

There are two things that overcome many of the problems you face in life nearly every day. It’s perseverance and persistence. But did you know that there is a difference between the two? When you understand this, it will provide a complete picture of how.

CWD-38 Friendships
May 15, 2019

Today’sepisode is all about making the right choices with regard to friendships. There is a saying that goes "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." That means it is important to evaluate those you associate with and today .

CWD-37 Competent vs Excellent
May 13, 2019

How often do we simply do what is expected? On one level there isn’t anything wrong with that since you are fulfilling a role or doing your job like you should. There’s another word for this - you are competent - put another way your performance is avera.

CWD-36 Success
May 06, 2019

In this episode of Coffee with Dad I’d like to invite you to consider what “success” is. I’d love for you to pour a cup or take a sip from your travel mug and let’s talk about what defines, or perhaps, what might be a better way to define success.

CWD-35 Be Unreasonable
April 17, 2019

Today’s topic gets a lot of bad press but it needs to be embraced in a positive way because this is what keeps us alive and going strong as we get older. As human beings we are built with a desire to “want” things. Not just in a material sense, but in a .

CWD-34 Judgment Seen from Both Sides
April 10, 2019

When other do things, say things or even post things on social media it’s almost second nature for us to make judgments about them. If we like that person, it’s usually a good opinion. If we don’t, often the exact same action can leave us forming poor op.

CWD-33 Be Amazing Anonymously
April 08, 2019

Today I have a challenge for you that may or may not inspire you. It’s something that if you can do, you are truly on your way to being a much more fulfilled person who is not constantly chasing after worthless affirmations and faint praise. In fact, if .
