Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-14 Value Yourself
January 23, 2019

Why does it seem that we typically place a higher value on other’s ideas, thoughts and feedback rather than our own? Have you ever had a circumstance where the slight critical opinion from others tends to ruin your day? Why can’t we stand up to derogator.

CWD-13 Training
January 21, 2019

Training is what we do to attain the goal that we set in front of us. It requires effort and perseverance, the two main attributes of training. When you think about it, everything you do in life is training for something, at school, at work and in our re.

CWD-12 Perspective
January 16, 2019

Ever wonder why two people can see the same thing or have the same experience and yet it affects them so differently? It all has to do with perspective. When we realize that our perspective on life events is not the same as our sibling, friend, neighbor .

CWD-11 The Law of Marginal Gains
January 14, 2019

What are the things that move you forward and make you more productive?  It is often small changes, compounded over time that make a huge difference. Perhaps at the top of the list is how you spend your time. Today I’ll tell you about a couple of small t.

CWD-10 Not so Social Media
January 09, 2019

The internet is an awesome thing, except when it isn’t. Social media has changed us as a culture in ways that are sometimes not helpful. Today I’ve got a few ideas that should help you realize what social media does to us and how to avoid these pitfalls.

CWD-09 Juggling
December 20, 2018

Perhaps one of the most important things I share with my medical students that rotate with me has very little to do with medicine. Instead it has to do with realizing the important things in their lives that support their desire to be successful in the m.

CWD-07 Discipline is Freedom
December 20, 2018

I had a thought as I was driving home from work the other night thinking about my patients. And that was how our health-life balance gets out of whack because of a lack of discipline. We don't often think about the positive effects of discipline when in .

CWD-06 Inertia
December 20, 2018

You may remember from your science class the concept of inertia. It's the tendency of an object to remain at rest or remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Today I want to apply that to your everyday life and look at how inertia can prev.

CWD-05 Harness the Body to Train the Mind
November 15, 2018

It’s often been said that your mind will quit long before your body will meaning that you are physically capable of more than you think. Another way to look at your abilities is to see what you can do physically and let this drive the positive mental ene.

CWD-04 Direction not Intention
November 15, 2018

We make choices everyday that determine what path we take in life. The only way to move down the path is to choose a direction and act on it; no matter what our intentions are, our actions take us where we need to be.
