Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-52 Dynamic Inconsistencies
November 25, 2019

So you’re probably wondering what are dynamic inconsistencies? Good question. I’ll answer that question keeping in mind that making choices and decisions on the spur of the moment sometimes gives you an excuse to do something against your core beliefs. S.

CWD-51 Negative Thoughts
November 20, 2019

So negative thoughts are those that creep in and tell us we can’t do what we want to or need to do. No matter how hard we try, they will at some time or another enter our minds. The question is, what do you do? It’s a matter of patience and perspective. .

CWD-50 Excuses
November 18, 2019

We all make them and there is one reason we do. We’ll talk about that today while defining what an excuse is and why we make them - even when we know we shouldn't. Spoiler alert: Remember, excuses sound good only to the person who is making them! Let’s h.

CWD-49 Be Still
November 13, 2019

Today’s topic is stillness. Life is such a blur that sometimes we need to stop in order to focus and see more clearly. We all have the capability of stopping and uncovering the stillness that lies inside each of us. And when we do, we don’t react, we res.

CWD-48 Live Infinitely
November 11, 2019

Life is a lot like sports, but unlike sports life is not a finite game. It goes on infinitely in many ways, which we’ll talk about today. It is important to understand that in life we play for the long-haul. And when we take that perspective it changes t.

CWD-47 Planting Trees for Future Generations
October 14, 2019

So… this is a topic I felt like I was finally ready to address. It began with an old Greek saying that goes “societies grow greater when old men plant trees in whose shade they will never sit.” Thinking about the future is not easy when you’re young but .

CWD-46 Maybe It's You...
August 28, 2019

Today we’re going to get busy with this next concept. There are things in life you want to accomplish. Goals that are important to us. And often we find ourselves not achieving those goals. What do we do? We find excuses. Admit it. We do. Guess what… nob.

CWD-45 Seasons
August 26, 2019

We are all familiar with the four seasons; spring, summer, fall and winter. And beyond that there are other seasons, for example, growing seasons. I’m sure you can think of a few more. On this episode I’d like to talk with you about the seasons of our li.

CWD-44 Honesty vs Integrity
July 31, 2019

We hear these two words often today. And I’d like to ask you a question - a question I remember my 6th grade teacher asking me. What is the difference between these two words? Knowing the answer to that question can clear a lot of the barriers that can c.

CWD-43 Change the Big Question
July 29, 2019

Here’s a question you often hear people ask- why am I here? What’s the meaning of life? Here’s a better question - what is the meaning IN life? Instead of trying to look down the road to someday’s potential happiness, what I’d like you to think about tod.
