Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-62 Practice Makes Permanent
March 11, 2020

You know how I love sports analogies. Today’s topic fits perfectly with this. In athletics we practice to get better. How often do we apply that principal to our everyday lives? Being present and mindful takes practice. In fact every day we are practicin.

CWD-61 Read Books Everyday
February 10, 2020

The title of this episode really says it. The most effective way to put something good into your brain is to read each day. Mark Tain had a quote that really sums it up, “A person who won’t read has no advantage over the person who can’t read.” Let’s hav.

CWD-60- Quotes- Mark Twain
February 03, 2020

This is the first a recurring series I am beginning today where I take a quote and expand on it. Today, it is Mark Twain. “ Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.“ Let’s unpack that one today over a cup of.

CWD-59 Negativity Bias
January 22, 2020

Our society tends to focus on the negative. Today, let’s try to understand why we do this and how it can actually be a benefit. Sound interesting? Pour a cup and let’s talk.

CWD-58 One Problem
January 15, 2020

We all have problems. Things that go wrong. Stuff that doesn’t work out. And sometimes it feels like we have a lot of problems going on at the same time and it can seem overwhelming. How do we better deal with that? Change your perspective. I have a grea.

CWD-57 Where is Your Focus?
January 06, 2020

What aspects of your life are you focusing on in hopes of achieving a happy and fulfilled life? Is it stuff… status… or something better?  Let’s grab a cup and get our “philosophy on” to see where we should be looking.

CWD-56 Great Leaders are Great Followers
December 30, 2019

To be a great leader you have to be a representation of something worth following. There are leaders and then there are those who lead. To be a great leader you must be a great follower. But the questions becomes - what do great leaders follow? Let’s try.

CWD-55 Honor vs Dignity
December 23, 2019

Today we take on a big subject. What is the difference between honor and dignity? Each has its own culture. Consider the groups that each culture is in and how they respond to circumstances around them. Hang in there as we discuss what it means to live a.

CWD-54 "What If" Thinking
December 09, 2019

More times than not we immediately picture the worst case scenario when faced with a challenge. And often we see this as the only outcome. This can keep us from reaching our potential. What are the alternatives? Grab a cup and lets challenge ourselves wi.

CWD-53 Do the Right Thing
November 27, 2019

Today a very simple concept that we really need to understand in order to put into practice; do the right thing because it is the right thing. Being unsure of the outcome of your efforts does not take away your responsibility to do the right thing. Might.
