Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-72 Friendship
August 24, 2020

Today we’re going to discuss a few different types of friendship. Why is this important? Because it helps up understand the relationships we have with each other. And even more important how it can inspire us to improve our role in these relationships. P.

CWD-71 Interdependence
August 03, 2020

There’s a book I would highly recommend that you read if you can. It’s a book by Steven Covey and one of the topics he covers is the subject of today’s podcast. It is the idea of interdependence - as contrasted with dependence and independence. There is .

CWD-70 The Main Thing
July 27, 2020

Never lose sight of the main thing. You might be surprised at just how easy this can be, especially when we think we might be focusing on what looks like the main thing. In today’s episode we’re going to use the illustration of rock climbing to better ex.

CWD-69 Path Dependency
July 13, 2020

“The best way” and “the way it’s always been done” are often not the same.  In this episode I’m inviting you think about the possibility of doing things in a different way and for a few very good reasons. Maybe have a cup of iced coffee today or sip from.

CWD-68 Regret
July 01, 2020

In this episode I hope to challenge you into a slightly different way of thinking about regret. Regret is something we will do just about anything to avoid. But the funny thing is, nearly all of us end up with regrets. So what if we looked at regret in a.

CWD-67 Happiness is Temporary
June 01, 2020

Here’s a bit of a ‘no-brainer’ - happiness is a by-product of little successes in life. But let your brain chew on this: how do you feel in between the successes?  Is happiness the end-all be-all we’re led to believe it is? Not on your life. There’s some.

CWD-66 We Are Always Preparing
May 27, 2020

Sometimes the simplest concepts are the hardest for us to accept. Here are two: bad things are going to happen and preparation keeps us from overreacting. Let’s unfold the meanings behind these concepts that hopefully will help it stick in your mind. It’.

CWD-65 Mind Like Water
April 22, 2020

Of all the podcasts I’ve had the honor of doing this one may be the one that was born for the moment in which we live. The year 2020 will be remembered for the world-wide shutdown caused by COVID-19, a novel flu virus. All around us the world reacts and .

CWD-65 I Inspire Others to Give
April 20, 2020

As we record this in the spring of 2020 the world is in the midst of a pandemic from a novel coronavirus. When things get shutdown and resources get scarce there is an amazing principal that we can look to that will do wondrous things to change the corne.

CWD-63 Giving Inspires Us
March 30, 2020

There’s a fundamental principal in our lives that is particularly appropriate in this day and age. Giving and expecting something in return robs us of the opportunity to inspire. Settle in to your favorite chair or take a sip of coffee and let’s explore .
