Coffee and Cannabis

Coffee and Cannabis - and To Whom It May Chocolates - Episode Two
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In this episode of Coffee and Cannabis, Ardin ( interviews Tomer Grassiany of ( and To Whom It May ( Here, we talk about turning smoke sessions into refined experiences, by treating cannabis like fine wine. How a graveyard can be something tasty. And starting to break the cannabis stigma holding back the industry. Listen and subscribe!
About the companies:
To Whom It May Chocolates:
Marvelous, meticulously hand-crafted cannabis chocolates, brought to life as smooth, nutty truffles, and bold, boozy bonbons. Enticing, enlivening, and unforgettable, our fabulous flavors don only dark chocolate, the finest of ingredients, and oh-so-lovely intellects... you'll see!
As the premier creator & producer of cannabis-themed events in California, our mission is to help de-stigmatize cannabis by offering sophisticated ways to enjoy its medical and recreational properties with like-minded individuals. We believe that cannabis is first and foremost a healing plant, and an antioxidant. We chose to exclusively use the top vaporizers on the market for both cannabis flower & concentrates, to maximize the flavor, and create a friendly smoke-free environment. We invite people to treat it similarly to wine and food due to its many distinct aromas and flavors.