The Cocktail Party Congress

The Cocktail Party Congress

Latest Episodes

17: Bourbon & B.S. During the Lockdown
April 11, 2020

Dan and J.T. are stuck at home, trying to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. They cracked open some bourbon and simply poured it over ice (we all have to make sacrifices in these trying times) and wanted to give you an update.

16: Flim-flams, Falsehoods, and the Great Tom Collins Hoax of 1874
September 14, 2019

Once again they have returned to the interwebs: the Pickled Pair, the Drunken Duo, the Cocktail Party Congress! Dan and J.T. slosh their way through the state of inebriation to bring you a supposedly meaningful discussion on hoaxes, con-artists,

15: The Moscow Mueller Indictment Day News Round-Up
February 02, 2019

After months of hiding underground, on the run from the Illuminati, Dan and J.T. are back with the next episode of The Cocktail Party Congress. We’re just a few weeks into 2019, and the news cycle has been chock-full of villains, charlatans, rogues,

A PSA for the Midterm Elections
November 04, 2018

Tuesday, November 6th, is right around the corner. Dan and J.T. have a quick message for our listeners. GO VOTE! - - The Cocktail Party Congress is part of the Fancybat Podcast Network. - Feel free to send your comments,

14: Judicial Jabronis Drink Negronis
October 26, 2018

The Supreme Court- cornerstone of the American Republic, keepers of the Constitution. Is it safe from a couple of drunks with a podcast? Probably. Don’t let that deter you from listening in, though. On this episode of the Cocktail Party Congress,

Remembering Senator John McCain
August 26, 2018

The Cocktail Party Congress would like to raise our glasses high and offer a toast to the late Senator John McCain. - Corrective edit: Dan meant to say 81 instead of 82.

13: Erasing our Minds and Other Nonsense with guest Ben Relethford
August 25, 2018

Is today’s flood of information and news stories bombarding your senses just plain overwhelming? Having trouble sorting through it all? Well, The Cocktail Party Congress has got you covered. Dan and J.T. pay a warm welcome to our special guest,

12: On the Punching of Nazis (featuring Winston Churchill)
July 29, 2018

The Cocktail Party Congress is back!  How should we react when liberal freedoms are exploited by illiberal ideas?  White supremacist Richard Spencer may have a proper backpfeifengesicht, but history and common sense take their seats at the table as Dan...

11: 1st Amendment Redux – Religion in Politics with Zane Relethford (and Jesus Juice!)
July 01, 2018

Many episodes ago, your hosts skipped a whole clause of the First Amendment for good reason - to accommodate their first guest!  Fellow podcaster Zane Relethford joins Dan and J.T. to discuss the influence of religion in politics. -

10: States’ Rights and Responsibilities
June 19, 2018

We've made it! We've finished the Bill of Rights! In this episode of the Cocktail Party Congress, Dan and J.T. have a constitutional night cap and talk about the Tenth Amendment - the good and the b