Coach Pony

Coach Pony

Health Coach Samantha Gilbert – How I Got My First Paying Client

April 01, 2021

Your story matters. It’s powerful.


And one of the keys to a successful coaching business is focusing on and developing your personal story so that you can share it with the world.


Samantha Gilbert, the founder of Eat For Life, truly embodies this wisdom.


Her story of healing is an inspiration but her journey to becoming a successful coach wasn’t always easy.


She’s spent most of her life battling severe depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and body image dysmorphia. Since finding her own path to wholeness, she’s dedicated to helping others find this same healing path.


Building her health coaching business took some time. It took tenacity, patience, and perseverance but she knew that people, especially women, were struggling terribly. And she could use her skills to help.


For 12 years she’s helped couples, women, and children from 13 countries heal their minds and body. She’s an expert in creating customized therapies so true healing can begin and continue with love, empathy, compassion, and biochemical individuality.


The story of how she found her first paying client, and what she does differently today is one that every coach needs to hear.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why she decided to move into her childhood home as a brand-new coach--plus, other difficult decisions she made early on
  • How Samantha helped her very first client completely eliminate the symptoms of her chronic condition
  • How she set up those first engagements and what she charged
  • The role that referrals have played in her career and how she finds her clients today
  • How Samantha helps clients see the light at the end of the tunnel


Book Recommendations:


To learn more about Samantha Gilbert:


To learn more about Christie Mims:


And if you have some chocolate worth reviewing on the show, we are easily bribed! You can send it to us at:


Christie Mims

3630 High Street


Oakland, CA 94619