The KSI Huddle Podcast with Coach Ian King

The KSI Huddle Podcast with Coach Ian King

Huddle #52 – Chat with KSI Level 2 Coach Jason Lomond

September 17, 2019

In the late 1990s, Jason was first exposed to Ian King’s writing. Then in 2000, at the annual SWIS Convention, Jason was live in Ian’s presentation and enjoyed some in-person exchanges during that event.


Jason then went off on a journey of self-discovery, moving through experiences in the physical preparation industry and allied professions.


Now, some 20 plus years later, Jason journey has brought him back to KSI, in the KSI Coach education program. Jason has moved quickly through the first three levels of the program – L0, 1 and 2, and plans to attend Level3 and 4 in August 2012 when it is next offered.


In this chat learn what brought Jason back to KSI, and what his two-plus decades in this industry has taught him.