Christian Ministries Church

Christian Ministries Church

CMC 50-Year Celebration

September 18, 2022

This service marked the 50th anniversary of Christian Ministries Church! Our service comprised of several videos of fellow churches congratulating CMC on 50 years of ministry, along with 2 documentary pieces on CMC from its infancy to what it is now, and moving messages delivered by Pastors Josh Barnett, and Paul Kern, Lead Pastor Tim Brooks, and our founder, Hettie Lou Brooks. We want to send our love and thanks to our supporters across the globe, and to our podcast listeners, we can’t thank you enough for choosing to listen to our content, it is deeply rewarding and such an honor to have earned your ear through the years! If you would like to watch this service in its entirety, the entire service has been documented and uploaded to youtube. Thank you, God, to You be the glory for 50 years of ministry!