Generation STEM

Generation STEM

S1 E3 Cell Based Protein with Wildtype

December 16, 2021

It may seem like something out of Jimmy Neutron or some sci-fi movie, but the cell-based protein market is starting to plant some serious roots….or should I say propagate cells. The podcast team sits down with Aryé Elfenbein, who is the Co-founder of Wildtype, which is one of the emerging cell-based protein alternative manufacturers. Tune in to learn:

  • Who is Wildtype and what type of protein alternatives do they make?
  • What exactly is cell-based protein and what does the cultivation process look like?
  • How can cell-based protein contribute to a more sustainable food chain?
  • What excites you about this vertical and what are some of the hurdles in its way?

All this and more, on Generation STEM!

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