Generation STEM

Generation STEM

Episode 10 - Golden State Warriors + Social Media and the New Fan Experience

August 27, 2020

Sports are back and the GenSTEM squad is here for it!!!!!!! Don't know about you guys, but both sports and social media are an integral part of our lives. So on this week's episode, our interview focuses on how the two worlds collide! Ryan, Kevin, and Becca have a stellar interview with Karen Ramming, Senior Social Media Manager for the Golden State Warriors (WE BELIEVE!!). Tune in to this episode to hear:

-what is it like running the social media account for one of the biggest professional sports franchises in the country?
-how Karen got a job with GSW
-is she star struck by the team or are they just another group of guys to her?
-what happens behind the scenes when developing social media posts for the team's accounts?
-is there a science to social media in general? 
-how is the fan experience changing, both due to COVID and with the integration of technology and social media?
-what's coming next for social media and technology i the world of spectator sports?

All this and more, on Generation STEM!

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