Generation STEM

Generation STEM

Episode 3 - Telemedicine + the Future of Healthcare

May 14, 2020

ANOTHA ONE!!!!!! The GenSTEM squad is back this week with another stellar episode. With everything going on in light of COVID-19, it got us thinking, how has the world of healthcare evolved? What does the future of healthcare look like? Enter our guest for this week's episode.

Kevin and Becca run the show this week with an interview featuring Morgan Waller, Director of Telemedicine from Children's Mercy Hospital based in Kansas City. In the interview, Becca and Kevin learn from Morgan:

-What is telemedicine? How does it work?

-Is it just Facetime-ing a doctor from your phone?

-What technologies are involved?

-What is wrong with the current healthcare system, and how does telemedicine solve it?

-When did Children's Mercy start their telehealth program?

-How has COVID impacted the telemedicine industry?

-How will COVID impact the future of healthcare?

-What technologies does Morgan think will be the biggest disruptors in the future for healthcare?

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