Generation STEM

Generation STEM

Episode 1 (kind of??) - Entrepreneurship during COVID-19 + Innovation in Economic Downturns

April 30, 2020

We're starting a new chapter here on the podcast.......welcome to Generation STEM!

On this episode of the Generation STEM podcast, it's a new brand but the same old squad. As we currently are in a time of humanitarian and economic difficulty in the wake of COVID-19, it got us thinking....what companies have been created and thrived during previous times of economic downturn? How do times of difficulty drive innovation? How will COVID-19 impact future businesses and what innovations will come from it?

Becca, Kevin, and Ryan get together (via virtual meeting of course) to discuss:

-our new brand

-quarantine updates: how the hell are ya???

-how recessions have historically created some of the strongest businesses and why it's a great time to get your start up going

-A discussion of STEM companies and innovations created in three historic times of difficulty: The Great Depression/WWII, 9/11, and the Great Recession

-What start ups have been developed so far because of COVID-19/how have businesses evolved in response?

-How will COVID-19 impact the STEM industry

-A podium of our best COVID-19 driven start up ideas