Generation STEM

Generation STEM

Episode 8 – Office vs Field + Stephanie Wunning + Sam Kaiser + Becca Schmidt

April 25, 2018

At the top of Episode 8, we start with a new segment 'Chef's Kitchen' from Ryan (aka The Chef) as well as a tribute to a science idol/galaxy-brain that we said goodbye to in March.  Our topic of discussion for Episode 8 is on the Office versus Field roles for young professionals. We have two interviews from other young professionals for some insight on how they handled that decision and what benefits/challenges they saw.

Our first interview is with Stephanie Wunning and Sam Kaiser who are currently in the rotational (office/field) assignment program at Black & Veatch, also known as the EDGE Program. Next, we invite back one of the founding co-hosts of this podcast, Ms. Becca Schmidt, and get caught up on her current role in the field, the office-to-field transition process and her thoughts on what field skills are going to be invaluable to the next generation of engineers.

We finish out the episode with another segment of Elon's Book Club, giving our synopsis/takes on Chapter 2, and teaching you why the third Sunday in June is not a recognized holiday in the Musk family. Lastly, we have a Shower Thought from Kim that will serve as your Stay-Woke-Moment for a day or two. If you have any questions or comments, you can DM us on Twitter/Instagram (@cobpodcast) or email us at!