Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

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Unlocking the Potential of Generative AI in the Classroom
March 21, 2023

School Districts are struggling to figure out how they should react to ChatGPT. Districts like New York City, Oakland, and Seattle have banned AI technology due to concerns about cheating. - However,

Why Math Matters: Inspiring Students to See the Real-World Applications of Mathematics
March 03, 2023

Making a case for mathematics Mathematics is one of the world's most fundamental and essential subjects, with applications that extend across a wide range of disciplines and industries. But sometimes,

The new three "Rs" we should be teaching every student
February 13, 2023

The first step to understanding something new is often the most challenging part. Our guest on Episode 239 of Class Dismissed explains why we must rethink how we teach students. - He suggests we rec

Do earlier start times have a negative affect on elementary students?
January 28, 2023

Later start times for secondary education can force an earlier start for elementary students. There is evidence to suggest that later start times for secondary education can have a positive impact on

Are there tools that can determine if a student is using ChatGPT?
January 12, 2023

A Princeton student created an app to tell whether ChatGPT wrote an essay. Not long after ChatGPT was revealed to the world in late 2022, a computer science major at Princeton University built an app

Could ChatGPT be used as a shortcut in school?
December 29, 2022

The fantastic new tool, ChatGPT, is taking the tech world by storm, but it also could become a significant headache for English teachers throughout the country. - ChatGPT software is built on the arch

Tips on educating good global citizens
December 09, 2022

A good global citizen is someone who is aware of the world and their place in it and who takes an active role in promoting the well-being of the global community. This can involve being informed about

Seven movies that will get you fired up about teaching
November 21, 2022

As educators, we sometimes need a spark. One great place to find that inspiration is in movies. In Episode 234 of Class Dismissed, we highlight some of the most inspirational movie scenes for teachers

Using humor as a tool to build a community
November 10, 2022

For more than 15 years, Johnny Tiersma brought humor into his classroom. He does this, be he feels it builds trust with his students. "You know when you're all in on the same joke, and you're all laug

Is it fair to grade classroom participation?
October 28, 2022

Theres little doubt that students will learn more when they engage in classroom discussions. So for many teachers, finding ways to motivate students to participate in class makes complete sense. - F