Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Are there tools that can determine if a student is using ChatGPT?

January 12, 2023
A Princeton student created an app to tell whether ChatGPT wrote an essay.

Not long after ChatGPT was revealed to the world in late 2022, a computer science major at Princeton University built an app to detect whether AI wrote an essay.

Edward Tian created GPTZero, which he says can “quickly and efficiently” decipher whether a human or ChatGPT authored an essay. He’s explicitly soliciting educators to test his new tool.

We decided to have some fun and ask ChatGPT if there’s a tool that can determine if something is written by ChatGPT. This was the response…

“There are several tools that can be used to determine if something is written by a language model like GPT, including Plagiarism detection software, which can be used to detect similarities between a piece of text and a large corpus of text. Some other methods include:

Using a GPT-based language model to generate text and then comparing it to the original text to see if they are similar.
Analyzing the style, grammar, and language use in the text to see if it matches the patterns typically produced by a language model.
comparing the text with the known outputs or samples of the model.
However, these methods are not always foolproof and can be subject to errors. In general, it’s difficult to be certain if a text is written by a language model or not”

To learn more about the ChatGPT and hear which large school district is already making moves to ban the AI software, listen to Episode 237 of Class Dismissed.

Also, a cognitive psychologist shares his secrets for memorable lesson plans.

Many students can remember details from their favorite television shows but struggle with remembering things their teachers say in class. Why is this?

Memory is an intriguing subject. You might think that your most recent memory would always be in front of you, but sometimes we find ourselves at a loss when trying to remember something from 15 seconds earlier, such as what I came into the kitchen for or even where my car keys are!

Meanwhile, other seemingly trivial memories can last our entire lives – for example, why do we remember some advertisements?

Our guest in Episode 237 of Class Dismissed is here to help us make some sense of memory. He’ll also give us some teacher tips on how to make a more memorable lesson plan.

Dr. Daniel Willingham is a psychologist and professor at the University of Virginia. He’s also the author of “Why Don’t Students Like School?”His book dives into how the mind works and what it means for the classroom.

Willingham wants educators to know that “memory is the residue of thought.” In other words, your memory is not a product of what you want to remember or what you try to remember; it’s a product of what you think about.

To learn how educators can use this information to their advantage in their lessons, listen to Episode 237 of the Class Dismissed Podcast on your favorite podcast app or iTunes.

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