Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Tips on educating good global citizens

December 09, 2022

A good global citizen is someone who is aware of the world and their place in it and who takes an active role in promoting the well-being of the global community. This can involve being informed about global issues and events, supporting causes that benefit people and the planet, and treating people with respect and compassion, regardless of their background. Good global citizens also recognize that their actions can impact the world around them, and they strive to make positive choices that benefit not just themselves but also others.

One way to teach students to be global citizens is to incorporate lessons about global issues and perspectives into the classroom curriculum. This can involve studying different cultures, histories, and current events worldwide and discussing how they are interconnected. Teachers can also create opportunities for students to learn about and engage with people from different backgrounds through pen pals, remote sessions with students from other countries, and service learning projects that benefit global communities.

Our guest on Episode 235 of Class Dismissed offers a unique perspective on educating a global citizen. Brantley Turner is the Dwight Schools Director of East Asian Education. She spent the past 15 years educating in China. Including some time at Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School, the first independently-run Chinese-U.S. cooperative high school in China.

To hear our full discussion with Turner, listen to Class Dismissed on your favorite podcasting app or iTunes.

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