Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ways teachers can support students who choose an alternative post-high-school path

October 12, 2022

Educators always want their students to thrive and succeed in life. Often, that path for students runs through college. But for many students, that’s not the case. 

Our guest in Episode 231 offers tips on how teachers can best support students who choose an alternative post-high-school path.

Stephanie Haynes is a licensed education coach and consultant who works specifically with school administrations, teachers, and the parents of students to reimagine the culture of success in schools. 

She’s also the author of “College is not Mandatory.”

Haynes, says sometimes teachers can feel lost in guiding students. “If these kids are not doing well in school, how do they help them find that success if college is just not part of the picture for them.”

During this episode, Haynes explains to educators how we can support students who may not be headed to college. 

“First and foremost, stop saying everything needs to be done so you can do well in college,” says Hayes

“Second, when we’re giving our curriculum, we don’t talk about the professional skills that we’re helping kids develop.” 

To hear Haynes go more in-depth on these tips, listen to Episode 231 of Class Dismissed. You can find each episode on your favorite podcast app or iTunes.

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Empowering educators through team-based staffing models