Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

How do we help the ones who are presumably doomed to fail?

August 25, 2020

One of the greatest challenges to teaching is not knowing if you're making a difference in a child's life at the time. More than likely, you are, but it can sometimes be difficult to see the impacts in realtime. 

Rebecca Potter has over fifteen years in the classroom teaching English, AP Language and Composition, Philosophy, and Public Speaking. The Kentucky high school teacher recently released Both Sides "The Classroom From Where I Stand".  The book is a collection of narratives that weaves tales of teaching together with her own stories of being a student. "Both Sides," focuses on the connected humanity between teacher and student and the implications of that connection; the writer extends the character and stories of her students beyond what we might observe in a classroom; she goes into their lives, and into her own life as well.

Potter explores questions that matter to educators: how do we help the ones who are presumably doomed to fail, what does it mean to care about someone else, why do people stay in jobs with so much against them.

In Episode 164 of Class Dismissed, Potter gives us an intimate preview of her new book. You can listen to Class Dismissed on your favorite podcast app or iTunes.

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